Monday, April 9, 2012

Spring Break Essay:Trayvon Martin

The Essay that I'm about to write is on a recent article that I've read. With that I've decided to write about the Trayvon Martin Shooting.

I read the article about the death of Trayvon Martin,and it shows an important problem in america. There is still injustice in america just upon the way we look.In the article, George Zimmerman claims that Trayvon looked suspicious as he was walking alone on a rainy day,claiming that the boy was "high and up to no good". In truth Trayvon was walking to the store to pick up snacks,scared because he was being followed by a stranger.In the end Trayvon was shot,a single shot to the chest ending the youths life,while Zimmerman gets away with this injustice by pleading this act was done in self-defense.

After reading this article I was both saddened and angry because of what happened. It may as well be said if someone looks strange we have a right to kill them,if so most of america would be gone in a night.Is it really okay to have a law that says it''s okay to shot somebody in self defense?This "Stand Your Ground" law protects you when shooting minors? If so we might as well shot everybody if they so much as touch us. Where would we be if this law was passed all over america,then this would happen: "I shot him out of self defense,so I'm free to go right?"

In all honesty, if Trayvon was white, this would probably never have happened. As much as people try to deny it, racism still very well exists today. A teenage African American  walking alone in the rain with a hood on in a neighborhood with multiple break in, of course the boy would be targeted. It still doesn't give them the right to shot him for looking the way he did. It leads me to wonder if things were different in the past,would things turned out differently for Trayvon?

All in all,we can't change the past. But we can try to prevent something like this from happening again,as many people have been doing in the Trayvon Martin "Million Hoodie March" where people show their support. It just goes t show what can happen to you based on how you look.

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